There are different ways of disseminating improved farming practices. One activity that we attended recently, which we think is a very effective way of sharing the latest techniques in growing crops, was the Papaya Expo organized by East-West Seed Company.
This was in the papaya plantation of Jeff Arabelo, 68, in Brgy. Sagasa, Bago City in Negros Occidental. The venue was ideal because the papaya trees are heavily laden with fruits that are just several inches above the ground. That could have easily convinced the 125 farmers who attended that indeed hybrid papaya can be a money maker.
In each station, an expert was detailed to explain the particular topic assigned to him, complete with posters as well as actual specimens. The attendees were divided into five groups. Each group followed their assigned leader to their first designated station. After that they proceeded to the four other tents to listen to the explanations of the other experts.
PAPAYA’S SEXUAL EXPRESSION. In our case, our group first proceeded to the tent manned by Jason Villegas who explained the sexual expression of the papaya plant. He explained that there are two sexes of the papaya that bear fruit. One is the true female tree. This has flowers that have ovary but no pollen so their flowers have to be pollinated by pollen-bearing flowers.
The pollen-bearing plant that usually provides the pollen needed by the female papaya is the “bakla” or hermaphrodite. This has both ovary and pollens. Villegas explained that the “bakla” is less stable than the female papaya. Aberrations like ‘catface’ and ribbing of the fruits occur, especially when there are weather problems, like when it is too hot and the soil is too dry and the plants are not watered. The ‘catface’ fruit does not have the usual symmetrical shape of the papaya fruit.
Despite the supposed instability of the “bakla” papaya, consumers prefer the fruits of the hermaphrodite. The hollow of the fruit is smaller than that of the female tree. That’s because the “bakla” has oblong fruit while that of the female is roundish.
There is a third sex in papaya, and that is the true male. It produces flowers that don’t develop into fruits.
This was blown down by Yolanda but has survived and is very fruitful. Jeff Arabelo and his fruitful Red Royale papaya.
PESTS AND DISEASES. One station in the expo was manned by an expert in pests, diseases, and other problems. In this station, we were briefed about the most destructive enemy of papaya, and that is the ring spot virus. This is the disease that wiped out the papaya industry in Cavite many years back. The expert detailed how this can be avoided.
One recommendation is to plant resistant varieties like the new hybrids. Another is to control the aphids that spread the virus. One other way to avoid this disease is to plant in a place where no infected papayas were grown in previous years.
Other destructive diseases are phytophthora and anthracnose. One way to avoid these is to provide good drainage, and also clean culture. Good nutrition is necessary to make the plants strong and resistant to stresses that could make them susceptible to diseases.
THE VARIETIES AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS. In one station, the assigned expert described the characteristics of the different hybrid papayas in the market. Of course the expert emphasized the advantages of planting the red-fleshed Red Royale and the yellow-fleshed Cariñosa. They are both low-growing, high-yielding and of good eating quality. They can also withstand strong winds better than the tall varieties.
SEEDLING PRODUCTION. Ailyn Infortuno, an expert in producing seedlings in the home office of East-West, was brought to Negros to do the demo in producing healthy papaya seedlings.
One trick she disclosed was to soak the papaya seeds for five days before sowing. However, the water should be changed every day. That will make the seeds sprout immediately.
She also demonstrated how to sow the seeds in a seedling tray, using a sterile medium that consists of coco coir dust, river sand, and carbonized rice hull. She also disclosed what fertilizer to use and when to apply.
In 40 days from sowing, the seedlings should be ready for field planting.
LAND PREPARATION, PLANTING, AND HARVESTING. The last station was manned by an expert in land preparation, planting, care of the plants in different growth stages, and harvesting.
All in all, it was a complete menu for producing a bountiful harvest from a papaya project.
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