Ican’t believe it. We’re less than one week from the launch of the New Saint Thomas Institute!
A ton of work has gone into it. Adam Anderly of Saint Systems created a beautiful and user-friendly website. The team at Michael Brown Productions have filmed and produced some beautiful Hi-Def video courses. They look great.
The first month of courses on Saint Thomas Aquinas are ready to go.
So What is This New Saint Thomas Institute?
It’s an online member site providing college like video courses in theology and philosophy – except its fun and there are no required tests or term papers. You can take the video courses in the comfort of your own home or anywhere on your computer.
- Do you wish you could go back to school and study Catholic theology?
- Do you want to go deeper in your faith?
- Do you want to lead family and friends to Christ and His Church?
If the answer is yes, then here are…
7 reasons to join the New Saint Thomas Institute
- Academic Training from World-Class Experts and Scholars. Every month we will feature an interview with one of the world’s experts on certain theological topics. Where else can you get interviews with leading (orthodox) Catholic scholars? For example, I think October’s interview with Dr. Mary Moorman on “Why Indulgences” and her research at the Vatican Secret Archives is going to blow your socks off.
- Earn a one-year Certificate of Mastery in Philosophy or Theology or both. The Institute will offer a continuing education program for credit. Charter Members will be able to work toward a one-year Certificate of Mastery. This “for-credit” program is optional. We also have plans to launch a 2-year Masters degree in the future.The diplomas will be available in either Latin or English (you’re going to want Latin!) and they will look amazing hanging on your wall.
- Access to Me. The blog at has grown from a few hundred people to nearly 10,000 daily subscribers. One reason for the New Saint Thomas Institute is that I can now go deeper with people who are ready and willing to do so. I realize that not everyone reading the blog wants to dig down deep on St Paul or St Augustine or St Thomas Aquinas. The Charter Members of the New Saint Thomas Institute will become our inner community of people who passionately desire to do just that. I hope to share my upcoming book transcripts and other projects to the Members of the New Saint Thomas Institute. It’s more personal.
- “Charter Member.” As a Charter Member, you’ll have full access to all NSTI videos, audio, documents, and bonus items from the very beginning. There will be other types of Memberships in the future. The Charter Member status will be the crown jewel. Two years from now, people inside will say to you, “Wow, you have a Charter Membership. That’s sweet…Wanna sell it to me?” Charter Membership is only available to those who join on the ground floor on opening week: October 7.
- Ridiculously Low Tuition. Tuition at conservative Catholic colleges is about $2,100 to take ONE theology course. Compare that to us. As a Charter Member, you’ll lock in your tuition rate at $25 per month for as long as you want! That’s less than five (5) Pumpkin Spice Lattes per month! Our general tuition will soon rise to $40, but as a Charter Member, you’ll be set at $25.(We’re also taking $5 off your first month: $20! – less than four(4) Pumpkin Spice Lattes!)
- Be a Part of our Theology Forum. This is where I hope to meet new up-and-comers in the New Evangelization. I desire to have a working relationship with believers who are writing books, creating apostolic projects, and pioneering the new technology for greater glory of God and His Church. This is a place of dreaming big and creative collaboration for Christ. Or you can just ask a lot of questions and get answers.
- Get a Full Refund. Look, I am convinced that you’ll love it. You’ll get a full refund if you don’t absolutely LOVE it in your first 21 days. You have nothing to lose. Enroll as a Member. If you don’t like it, give up your spot in the Institute and you’ll get a full refund no questions asked.
AND DON’T FORGET: We are the Mighty Mighty Muskoxen! We love Christ, Our Lady, the Saints, the Church, and the Holy Father. We also have fun. The ancient Jews would place honey in the mouth of their children before they taught them God’s law. The lesson here was that God’s word is sweet.The New Saint Thomas Institute also thinks that learning should be sweet.
We have a goof-ball school mascot named Tommy the Muskox and many more fun things going on inside. It’s not just learning, it’s a vibrant community of faith and joy. To prove it, we have t-shirts and coffee mugs!
Tommy the Muskox, Our School Mascot
How to Register
We are opening registration of Charter Members to the first 500 people Currently we have 100,000 unique visitors per month, and 9,662 daily email subscribers.
We have 2,479 who have explicitly signed up to receive video courses – with an additional 300 inquiries in just the last few days.
I have no doubt that those 500 spots will fill up fast.
Here is how registration will work. The Institute will make registration available to groups in this order ON OCTOBER 7, 2013 FEAST OF THE HOLY ROSARY:
- 9AM CENTRAL TIME: Email subscribers who have indicated “interested in video courses” in their email subscriber profile, will get first dibs at registration (currently 2,479 people)*. The first 500 to register will get in. If registration is NOT full, then we will open it up to…
- 12PM CENTRAL TIME: The rest of the email subscribers (currently 9,662 people). Then we will open up to…
- 9PM CENTRAL TIME: The rest of all public readers (currently about 100,000 people)
Personally, I suspect that the 2,479 subscribers who asked for video courses will fill up all the Charter Member spots.
Please mark your calendars for October 7 (Our Lady of the Rosary) at 9am Central for registration and go straight to Enrollment should take less than one minute.
I really look forward to greeting you on the inside of the Institute! I’ll have a welcome video waiting for you and I’ll be hanging out all day in the Member Forum in order to say hello as you come in. I want everyone to go to the Forum and share where they are from and why they joined the Institute so that we can all get to know each other. (We’ll do a NSTI t-shirt giveaway throughout the day in order to celebrate the launch!)
*If you’re an email subscriber, you can still “update” your email preferences at the bottom of any email that I’ve sent to you or just go here and enter your email address:
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